I’m so excited to share with you my beautiful new website! It’s been some time in the making with lots of stops and starts and plenty of cups of tea. Included here are photos of my artwork, both old and new. A lot of the work is available for purchase so if something catches your eye don’t hesitate to get in touch via my contact page. You’ll also find information about upcoming exhibitions and workshops as well as other news.

So here is a little about me and my practice – I am an Adelaide based paper artist who has been working in paper since 2008. My work is created by meticulously cutting away paper to leave behind delicate tableaus. I am drawn to paper as a medium for its simplicity and strength. My work often includes botanical imagery and patterns and I love to watch this humble material come alive as each cut is made. Over the years my papercuts have become increasingly intricate and I have started experimenting with technique and scale. At times I also incorporate printmaking, installation and jewellery into my practice.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my new website. To keep in the loop about what I’ve got going on you can sign up to my mailing list at the bottom of the page or check back here for the latest updates.



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